Thursday, November 21, 2013

Great Day

This morning started the usual way. Lucas woke up, I got up with him and we cuddled on the couch while he drank his milk. A little while later, I started cleaning. Not so usual, not that early anyway, but there were a few things I wanted to finish up before our play date. A couple of the mom's, from Lauryn's school, and I, are trying to make play dates a regular thing. The kids can get to know each other better, and burn off some energy, and we can have some adult conversation. This is the second one we've done and I'm really glad we're doing it. The kids are great and I really enjoy Cheryl and Jessica's company. There is definitely a lot of laughing and story sharing. :) Since I planned it a little closer to lunch, I put out some veggies and dip, cheese, summer sausage and crackers, and made punch since I still had ginger ale and sherbet from Lauryn's party. Jessica brought some yummy dip with chips and crackers and we had such a fun visit while the kids ran around and played. After everyone left, Lucas went down for a nap, I cleaned up the kitchen, and Lauryn and I snuggled on the couch. We don't get to do that nearly as much as we used to, and I loved it! When Lucas got up, we went to the store and then grabbed McDonalds for dinner. Lloyd is teaching a late class tonight, so it was just me and the kids. We played for a bit after we ate, and then cleaned up the toys before it was bath time. After I got the kids to bed, I had a nice long chat with Kathy. I love our conversations! From venting about people who bug us to custom printing in New York. In a little over an hour, we cover a lot of ground! Now I'm going to put my feet up, relax and read while I'm waiting for Lloyd to get home.

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