Monday, June 9, 2014

6 Months

Six months ago today, I ended a very long (22 year) relationship.  Six months ago today, I broke up with cigarettes.  Yep, for six months now I've been tobacco-free!  I honestly never thought I'd be able to say that.  I never thought I'd be able to quit.  I am proud to say I finally kicked that nasty habit.  Starting was the absolute worst thing I could have done to myself and I knew that every single time I lit up but I still did it.  I don't have cravings, I don't smell like smoke and I couldn't be happier about it!  Just wanted to share.  :)


  1. I am so proud of you!! It took me a long time to quit too but as of July 26 I will be 11 years smoke free. I don't miss it either! Love ya!

  2. So proud of you!!!

  3. Cary ~ 11 years is awesome! Love you too! :)
