This week Lauryn began a new and exciting chapter in her life. She started kindergarten! She had been counting down the days until she went back to school and got to ride the bus. Tuesday was her first day and she loved it! I had to make her "first day of school sign" like I did for her two years of preschool and I always ask her what she wants to be when she grows up, to put on the sign. The first year her response was, "Everything!" Last year it was, "Everything and a police officer." This year it was the Tooth Fairy. :) She was the first one on the bus and she didn't seem nervous at all. I didn't think I was either but as soon as the bus pulled away, I completely lost it. Seeing my little girl on that great big bus was tough! We met her at school though to see her into her classroom for that first day, and of course, to take pictures. Leaving the school wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Instead of sitting at home all day, waiting and wondering, Lucas and I visited with Cheryl and Malachi. It helped a ton to hang out with them. When it was time for Lauryn to come home, Lucas, Cloz'r and I sat outside to wait for the bus. Lloyd pulled in after a few minutes because he wanted to be here to hear all about her first day, too. The bus was quite late, as I was told it probably would be, but when she got here she was still all smiles and a lot of excitement over her first day. She kept saying, over and over, "Kindergarten is AWESOME!" She's eating breakfast and lunch at school, she's making friends in class and on the bus, and she loves her teacher. I couldn't be happier about all of this! It's sad to think my sweet girl is already in kindergarten but she's smart and she's ready.

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Daddy and Lucas came out to watch Lauryn get on the bus for the first time too![/caption]
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Look at my big girl! On the bus ready to go to kindergarten.[/caption]
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Look closely. In the second window behind the driver my sweet girl is peeking out. I fell apart about two seconds after this photo was taken. :p[/caption]
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A sign outside of the classroom, welcoming the students.[/caption]
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Super excited about her cubby.[/caption]
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