Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What A Blah Day

I don't know what my deal was today!  I got decent sleep last night and drank plenty of coffee today but I just felt blah and out of it all day.  It was really a bummer because it was such a nice day outside!  I did a little light cleaning, played and read books with Lauryn and crocheted a little bit but that was all.  We even had a really simple dinner.  Ham and cheese sandwiches with honey bbq chips and sweet pickles.  Hopefully tomorrow I will feel like my old self again!

I am really missing some dear friends lately too.  I don't see any of my friends nearly enough!  I think it's time for some online conference calls to see what we can figure out with everyone's schedules so we can plan a get together!  With most every one working and with most of us having kids, it's a little difficult though.  :(