Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

2013 is behind us and 2014 is here!  There are two things I try to do for my resolutions every year and I never get very far with either of them.  This year, I feel like I'm FINALLY getting control of one of them so I'm making my New Years Resolution the other one:  to get healthy and lose weight.  No more excuses!  I am getting back on MyFitness Pal, because I found that extremely helpful in the past, I'm getting back on the elliptical, and I'm cutting out all of the crap I've been eating.

I learned a lot in 2013.  I learned that it's easy for some people to completely give up on the ones their supposed to love and  I learned that when I'm hurt, I have a really hard time letting it go.  I learned that family, real family, will ALWAYS be there.  I know that being connected by blood doesn't mean family.  Being there for each other, loving each other, and not hurting each other is what family is.  I also learned a lot of positive things.  I know that in a crisis, my husband and I make a strong team.  We can get through anything because we have each other.  I learned who my real, true friends are.  I know who will stick by me and support me, and I'm fortunate to have such awesome girls on my side.  I learned that you're never too old to make new friends.  There are some awesome girls who have recently come into my life and I love getting to know them.  I think we're going to be friends for life.  There are a lot of things I learned about myself this year.  Some things to be proud of and some that need work.  So that's what I'll be doing from now on.  Working on becoming a better person and becoming the best wife, mother, daughter, and friend I can be.  I have an awesome little family and there's too much good here to let the negative affect us.  So here's to 2014!

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