Saturday, January 11, 2014

Saturday 9

That's My Kind of Night

Welcome to Saturday: 9.  What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions  every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random  questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants  posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your  choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Unfamiliar with this week's song? Hear it here.

1) In this song, our hero offers to take his girl down to the river to catch a catfish dinner. What is your favorite seafood?

I don't care for seafood.

2) Luke Bryan went to Georgia State University, home of the Panthers. What was your school mascot?

An Indian.  We were the Belding Redskins.
3) Have you ever tried acupuncture?


4) Just last night, Crazy Sam threw away a jar of Miracle Whip because it expired in September 2013. Is your refrigerator neat and organized? Or is it a disaster area, like Sam's?

It's pretty clean and organized.  It gets cleaned out every Thursday because the trash gets picked up Friday morning.

5) Which is more important to you -- saving time or saving money?

Hard to say.  Saving money is important but sometimes it's not worth it if it takes a lot more time.

6) Sam's next door neighbor is named Jim. He's retired, smokes a pipe and drives a red Corolla. Tell us about one of your neighbors.

We have a very nice neighbor next door.  He's retired but works on lawn mowers, has a nice garden and likes to fish.  He brings us veggies from his garden and he grows the tastiest corn we've ever had.

7) What's the most recent magazine you flipped through?


8)  Could your vehicle use a trip to the car wash right now?

Nope.  I ran it through the wash yesterday.

9) Did you hit the snooze button this morning?

As a stay-at-home mom, my alarm clock is my children.  So no, I did not hit my snooze button :) 


  1. I literally groaned when I saw you washed your car yesterday, but then I remembered you don't live near me. After our coldsnap, it's gotten suddenly warm and it's all wet and gray and soupy out there today -- bad for clean cars.

  2. I think my fridge stays clean for the same reason...Friday is trash day....and I don't have a garbage disposal.

  3. My refrigerator is fairly organized, but it's kind of deep and sometimes stuff gets lost in there.

  4. I feel your alarm clock pain. It just never subsides....

  5. Come on now, if they had snooze buttons, you know you'd use them sometimes ;-)

  6. That's a good idea to clean out the fridge the night before trash day. I must get into that habit!
