Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday 9


Welcome to Saturday: 9.  What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions  every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random  questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants  posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your  choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme! Welcome to the first Saturday 9 of 2014!

 1) In 1998, Cher became the oldest woman to top the Billboard Hot 100 with "Believe." She was 52 at the time. At what age do you think you did hit/will hit your prime?
I don't think I've hit it yet, and I don't know when I will.
2) Cher is as well known for her outrageous outfits as for her singing. What's the latest piece of clothing you added to your wardrobe?
A cute pair of jeans.
3) Cher credits her unique looks to her diverse ethnicity. Her father was Armenian and her mom is English/German/Cherokee. From where did your ancestors come?
I'm a bit of a mixture but I think mostly Scottish and Irish.
4) When she was a little girl, Cher produced and starred in a schoolyard production of Oklahoma. Were you involved in drama or theater in school?
5) Cher is open about her plastic surgery, speaking freely about having had her breasts 'done', her nose bobbed and her teeth straightened. If you could change one physical feature about yourself, which would it be? And what would you never change, under any circumstances?
My weight.  My teeth aren't straight but after 33 years, I'm used to them.  I don't think I'll ever get used to having extra weight on me, and since I'm not into waiting, I'd probably go for liposuction or something.  I would never change my lips.  I kind of like them :)  
6) There's a stubborn rumor, often denied, that Cher had a rib removed so that she could maintain her long and lean silhouette. What's the most outrageous thing anyone has said of you?
When I was just starting high school, there was a rumor that I had slept with a very popular, much older football player.  I was shocked because I hadn't done anything even close to that with anyone, I'd heard of him but didn't know him, and I couldn't figure out who would say something like that.
7) When she was a kid, Cher practiced her autograph. Do you have a clear, legible signature? Or is it more of a scrawl?
Clear and legible.
8) Cher asks, "Do you believe in life after love?" Crazy Sam's question is easier and less profound: Do you believe in luck?
I do :)  When there are no other answers for some things, I think it must be luck.
9) Did you make any resolutions for 2014?

Yes.  To get healthier and to lose weight.


  1. Good luck with weight loss; that's one of my resolutions too.

  2. Our resolutions are so similar. Let's hope 2014 is a healthy one for us both!

  3. Healthier is always a wise resolution. I'm hoping to break my weight loss stall out very, very soon.
