Friday, March 28, 2014

Mandarins in Light Syrup

After canning the chicken soup, I felt I wanted to do some more.  Seriously, I think I have an addiction!  :)  I was looking online and found a recipe for canning mandarin oranges.  So off to the store we went and I picked up three boxes, thinking that they're so small, I would need a ton to get a good batch.  I went a little bit overboard but that's ok!  That's just more to put in the cupboard for my family.  When all was said and done, after doing it two different days, I ended up with 13 pints and 8 half pints.  The recipe couldn't have been more simple!

Peel mandarins and remove as much of the pith as possible.

Make a syrup from sugar and water.  (I did a light syrup using a 3 parts water, 1 part sugar) Simmer on the stove.

Prepare jars for hot packing.

Process in water bath for 10 minutes.



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