Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Love The Play Dates!

Seems like we've had a lot of play dates lately and I love it!  Not only do the kids get to run around, burn off some energy and play with their friends, but I get time to visit too!  Last Friday, we met up with Kristin, Ross, Jesse and Willow for a play date at Burger King.  That's always fun because the kids get to play in the play place, no one has to cook and the food is cheap enough.  We haven't been able to get together with them for quite some time so it was really nice to catch up.  Yesterday, we had a little impromptu park play date with Cheryl, Jessica and the kids.  It was so nice out!  The kids loved being able to run around outside, soak up a little sun and breathe that fresh air.  I spent most of that play date chasing Lucas.  :)  He wants to do all the things the bigger kids are doing but it's quite ready for all of that yet.  Today we had our friends, Cyndi and Ashten, over for a lunch play date.  We had mini pizzas and veggies and dip for lunch.  The boys took a little while to warm up to each other but once they did, they played together nicely.  It was nice for Lucas to have a play date all his own.  He tries to keep up with Lauryn and her buddies, and they try to include him, but sometimes he ends up hanging out with me and the moms or playing on his own.  Lucas and Ashten are only about four months apart and I think they both enjoyed having someone their own age to play with.  We have one more get play date this week, too!  We're all making new friends, and getting together with old friends, and I think it's great for all of us.  :)


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