Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Lucas and the Tree

Yesterday I decided to go ahead and put up the tree.  I usually wait until after Thanksgiving, but I thought that if I put just the tree up, without decorations, we could see how Lucas would do with it.  He did great! There was only one time he got a little naughty.  He walked up to it and I told him, "No, no" and he swatted it. That was it, though, all day.  By evening, I was itching to get the tree decorated.  I just couldn't see it up without all our pretty ornaments and lights.  So after the kids went to bed, Lloyd and I went down to the basement and brought everything up.  It didn't take me long to get it done and I saved all of Lauryn's special ornaments for her to put on today.  This morning, Lucas woke up and I brought him out into the living room.  We were snuggling on the couch and I saw him looking at the tree, noticing the ornaments.  I figured it would be a good time to go ahead and turn the lights on, and tell him that we were to look but not touch, before Lauryn got up and tried to interfere and play Mama :).  So I did and his face lit up, too!  It took him a couple of minutes to decide he wanted to check it out.

This is his first up close look:

photo 1

And then he decided to try to reach out and touch one of the ornaments:

photo 2

So I gently reminded him that we don't touch the ornaments, we just look.  And that pretty much broke his heart:

photo 3

photo 4

It didn't take him long to get over it though and he hasn't touched it again...yet!  :)



  1. Great pics! His sad pics break your heart.

  2. Oh my- it does break your heart! My little "Bam-Bam" looks like a little elf in those pjs! Love the pics!

  3. Cary ~ I know! He was devastated when I told him we couldn't touch the ornaments. If it weren't for the fact that at any moment, he could get crazy and try to rip them off the tree (which I'm seriously waiting for because he can be a monster, LOL), I would have just let him touch. :)
