Sunday, December 22, 2013


One of the things that drives me crazy about myself, is that in an argument or disagreement, I get flustered and don't think of all the things I'd really like to say.  It's always when I've calmed down, that I think of things that might help prove my point or, at the very least, help someone else understand why I feel the way I do.  I am quick when it comes to being sarcastic, or having a smart ass response, but not at all when in debate.  Then, when I have thought about all of the things I should have said, it's too late to say them.  It makes you an asshole for bringing it all back up.  The other day, this happened, and now that I've had time to think rationally, I'm going to say what I need to say here.  Whether anyone reads it or not, I feel like I can't move on until I've gotten it out.  So here goes.

The other day, I posted a picture of Phil Robertson with the words "I Support Phil" and "Shame on A&E" on it, on Facebook.  I still stand by that.  I believe that people have a right to express their opinions, feelings and beliefs, and not be fired for it.  I didn't see what he said as a threat to anyone, just his beliefs, so I said that he should have the right to Free Speech and to say what he did.  While I love Duck Dynasty, and love how the family is strong in their values, I do not agree with his statements.  Personally, I think that people should be free to love and marry whomever they want.  I believe that everyone is entitled to the same love and commitment, that I have with my husband.  As far as the "Shame on A&E" goes,  yes, they do have the right to fire him if they feel that's what needs to be done.  I have the right to say I don't agree with that.  His comments were made in an interview, not on the show, so for me, I don't think he should have been fired.  I don't understand how someone can get fired for paraphrasing the Bible, a book they believe in and follow.  I'm not saying that what he said wasn't offensive.  Again, I can't stress enough, how much I DO NOT agree with what he said.  I just think he had the right to say it.  I know people think I'm ignorant and a bigot, for supporting this, and feeling the way I do, and I'm just going to have to live with that.  Some people say Phil Robertson is an "ignorant redneck."  Is that based on his graduating from Louisiana Tech?  His Bachelor's in Physical Education or his Masters in Education?  Or because he likes to hunt and has a strong belief in his religion?  How is name calling any better than him speaking out on what he believes in?  This is not my attempt to try to change anyone's mind, as I feel everyone is entitled to their opinion, this is my attempt to try to explain myself a little better.  I am sorry for offending anyone, as that is never my intention.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you 100%. I have written up so many posts, but then delete them, as I know I will get so much flack for it. Everyone has their right to say what they want, whether others agree with it or not.

    One of my points I wanted to get out was.... What if it was a LGBT that made some comment about a Christian. Would the same back lash be heard? I don't think so. If we were to try to say anything we would be shot down saying we are bullying, etc.

    I have my beliefs, but I won't judge others for the lifestyle they choose. Ok, time for me to shut up.
