Sunday, May 18, 2014

Paperwork, UGH!

Because of our last trip to the ER with Lucas, we've had to do quite a bit of paperwork to get the insurance claim taken care of.  We've never dealt with all of this before and it's getting a little frustrating.  We filled out the first papers that came in, faxed them back and figured that was that.  A week later, we get more paper work with questions that don't even apply to us.  After speaking with an agent in burlington nc, trying to find out why this claim is different and why we have to deal with all of this in the first place, I think (I HOPE!) we've gotten it all taken care of now.  Now if only I could get Lucas to promise me no more ER trips, not only to avoid paper work, but to avoid scaring his poor Mama and giving her more gray hair than she already has, that would be great! :P

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