Sunday, December 1, 2013

Weekend In Review


To share your weekend, please visit Jodi at:

Thursday ~ We got ready and headed to Lloyd's parents house to celebrate Thanksgiving with the family.  This year had the biggest turn out, since I joined the family, with a whopping 91 people, by the last head count.  The food was great, and we had a ton of fun visiting and catching up with everyone.  Unfortunately, we had to make our first trip to the ER with Lucas that night, but, thank God, he is ok!  It was very scary, but my little boy is a trooper.  When we got home, we got the kids in bed and tried to relax.  After such an eventful evening, it was a little hard to do.
Friday ~ We took it easy for most of the day.  Lloyd stayed home and did some work in the yard and I cleaned the house.  I ordered pizza and breadsticks for dinner and Kathye came over for a visit.  :) 
Saturday ~ I spent most of the day cleaning, because my children can be quite messy, and then Mom came over for our Thanksgiving.  We had garlic and herb baked chicken (Lloyd said it was the best I'd ever made!), mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing, corn, cranberry sauce and rolls.  I made a triple layer pumpkin pudding pie but we were all too full to try any.  Before dinner, we went around the table and said what we were thankful for.  I am thankful for my husband.  He loves me and treats me better than I ever thought I deserved.  He is an amazing father to our children and he works hard so we'll never have to go without.  I am thankful for our children.  I'm thankful that they are healthy, happy and have taught me the meaning of being truly selfless.  I am also eternally thankful for my mom.  She has always been there for me.  Whenever I need to talk, or break down and cry, she's there.  Whenever something great happens, she the person I think to call.  I am thankful for so many family and friends who love me and my family and who will always be there for us, just as we will be there for them.  We are incredibly fortunate to be surrounded by so many awesome people.
Sunday ~ We got up, got ready and headed to Hubbardston for the Malek Christmas party.  It was great to see the family, to visit, eat a delicious meal and to get into to family auction.  I bought a handmade snowman decoration for the yard.  We all got nice gifts and were thoroughly worn out by the time we got home. 

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