Monday, December 30, 2013

Weekend In Review

Weekend In Review
To share your weekend, please visit Jodi at:

Friday ~ It was a pretty uneventful day.  Mostly spent playing with the kids and cleaning. 
Saturday ~ After getting breakfast taken care of, I got some food prepped for our family Christmas party.  Mom came over and then we went to pick up my brother, Jayson.  Shortly after we got back, we ate.  We had ham and cheese sliders, veggies and dip, cheese, crackers and dip, chips, and pickle wraps.  After everything was cleaned up, we went out to the living room and opened presents.  It was such a nice evening.  Both kids were so excited to have their Uncle come stay.  Lucas was hollering "JAY!" over and over.  :)  We snacked on some Christmas sweets while catching up in the evening.
Sunday ~ Shortly after getting up with Lucas, I got ready and then started making breakfast.  Kathye, Terry and Ann were going to come eat with us and visit with Jayson before I took him home.  We had cinnamon French toast, scrambled eggs with sharp cheddar cheese, fried potatoes, bacon, cantaloupe, coffee and orange juice.  The food turned out pretty good and the company was great!  I took Jayson home in the afternoon and we were all pretty lazy for the rest of the day.  We had leftover ham and cheese sliders for dinner and spent the evening playing with the kids and their new toys. 

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